Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mr.Brian is doing the happy dance.

Ok so maybe it's not me, but you get the point. It is over and done with. All went well. I can now focus on better days ahead.
That is my plan and I am sticking to it.
Thanks for letting me vent these past few weeks. I have buried it and do not plan on bringing it up again.
Love you all.
Now stay tuned for a funnier blog coming soon!


Lady L said...

I'm so glad you survived your last day! You probably learned many things through this experience that God just might use someday in your future. I'll be lurking on your site to read more of the 'funnies' at the nursing home. May you sleep soundly tonight!

OH MY #6 said...

Way to go!


day by day said...

Yay! Sharing your joy and happy for you that this is now behind you. Hoping all goes well with the start of your new job!! Have a great evening!

LaLa said...

YAY...happy for you...sleep well friend.

crazylady said...

It better be funny or else...
I know where you live now.

~Amy~ said...

Yay for you! I'm so happy that YOU are happy! WAHOOOOOO!

Kim N Jeff said...

Yippie the happy dance... Is that anything like a Friday dance that I do at 5:00 :)

redmaryjanes said...

I am so happy that it is over. Now I want to start hearing some of those funny stories that you used to write about the nursing home ladies!

Middle-Aged Moi said...


But I really did want to see YOU do the happy dance.....:-)

Tiffany said...

Congrats to you!!!!! Here's to happy dances!