Monday, October 29, 2007

Have a dog gone good Halloween

No this is not my dog.Yes I did buy a costume for Josie.A pumpkin head,and she HATES it.The first time I put it on her she some how managed to get it off her head.The second time she just looked at me like she was saying,"if you love me you will get this off me NOW!!!!If I had a digital camera I would take a picture of her in it.
I am anxious for the trick or treats.I always love to great the kids and hand out candy.If you're in the neighborhood stop bye with your kids.Or just stop by.I'll give you a candy bar.I got Snickers, and Milky Way.If you are extra good and do a trick I will give you two.
Hope you all have a GREAT WEEK. I plan on it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ten reasons to smile.

I borrowed this idea from an other blogger and loved the idea.
reasons to smile every day.So often we get caught up in our busy schedules and do not take time to enjoy life and reasons to smile, I am going to share some of my reasons to smile each day.
1. Seeing the beautiful fall colors on the trees.Some of the trees in my neighborhood are and amazingly bright golden yellow.
2.Being able to go to work and have a job.Working with pople on Dialysis and some who are very "young" makes me happy to be able to work as these people can not work.
3. Along with that good health.Can you walk,talk,talk,hear?If you said yes it is a reason to smile.
4.Friendships, I have got some wonderful friends who I love dearly.
5. Do you have a home? are you warm? I can say yes.My sister in California came very close to loosing her home to the fires,They were within a few miles of her home.She had her car packed and ready to leave at a moments notice.She thinks she is out of danger now and all is OK for her.
6.I have a great and mighty God who watches over me each and every day.
7. Watching my dogs play or just snuggle with me.
8.Children playing peek-a-boo in church.
9.I am a helper in Sunday School this year and we are practicing songs for the Christmas program.Watching some of these kids sing their hearts out,they are so into it and loving it.You gotta love it.
10.Reading some of your blog posts.When I read about some of the things kids say and so I just laugh.As Art Linklatter once said"Kids do say the darnedest things.
I hope I made you smile on one or two of these too.Remember to always take a moment to smile.It makes people wonder what you are up to.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Women do know!!

It is time for all you wonderful dear women to pat yourself on the back.
You do know what you are talking about.
If you think back to some time ago when I mentioned about a co-worker who was expecting and also hard to get along with.She was often moody and just grumpy.Many of you suggested that I turn on the charm,be sweet,offer to lift things for her and all that fun stuff.
I must say I did N O T want to do this and give into her negative attitude at all.I thought just ignoring it would help more.But I decided to take a word of advice from someone who knows best....... a women.
You were right.I schmooze her with asking her how she feels all the time.May I get that for you,can I do that for you OH let me get that,you should not lift that.
It has worked wonders.She accepts the offer of help and is willing to let me help her.
Guess it just goes to show.........WOMEN DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!
Did I just say that?????
OK go ahead and let me have it now gals,I can take it.
See reason #23,945 why Brian is such a cool guy,he admits women know what they are talking about.
Hope you all have a great weekend.Be sure to tell your men you know the answers.LOLOLOLOL
Hugs to all.

Yes Finaly

Need I say more.
After a not so good week I am glad it is Friday.
I was sick Monday and Tuesday,Wednesday woas a horrible day at work.Weather has been rainy all week.
Yes It can only get better.
Hope you all have a great weekend I know I plan on it.
I am feeling better and my new meds seem to be doing some good. I will post more when I have more time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

24 x's 2

Yes that is right Mr.Brian is 48 today.October 12 is not only Columbus Day but also my birthday.
No great plans that I know of.Work, and so far just a nice quiet evening at home.That is good with me.I've never been one to go out for my birthday.My parents took me out to eat Thursday evening and that is about all the excitment I can muster.
After all I am 48 years old.
I am starting to realize that 50 is not so old.I remember when I was a child and teenager I thought a person in their late 40's was "OLD".Not to mention in their 50's.
I have since changed my mind on that thought.
As long as I can have regular poop's,not take my teeth out at night,know who I am when I look in the mirror, I think I am doing all right.
I have so much to be thankful for,parents who love and encourage me.Sisters who say I am their favorite brother,(only brother but still their favorite).Great friends not only that I see regularly but also those that I've meet through blogging land.
Thanks for the great friendships.You are all very special women and I enjoy our friendships.Hugs to all of you.May you know I pray for your family,your kids and also the children you are still waiting to take home.Hugs to all!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I need to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for your kind and encouraging words.I still need to call my Doctor (and will be doing it),but I am a little better this week.I still am tired all the time and wanting to sleep,but not so grumpy.
I know once I get the medication and get it into my system I will be feeling more like myself again.
It is amazing how a pill can help with your mood and depression but it does.Thank goodness for happy pills.
It meant a lot to me to read all the nice comments.It is great to know so many do care.Each and everyone of you has touched me in a special way that you may not know.
Some even got a kiss in.(Becky and Verna).LOLOLOL!
Again thanks for being such encourager's and thoughtful women.You all all great.
Next post from me will be a cheerful one I promise.
Blessing to all of you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Even though I love the weather this time of year, I hate what it does to me.
Starting about this time of year my seasonal depression starts kicking in.I start to get extra tired,wanting to sleep more.I want to just ignore the world. I feel like I have a clock ticking inside of me ready to go off.I start to feel very irritable and crabby.I feel like I've got a short fuse that I try to keep under control.(Good idea considering I am placing needles in arms when at work.)
I hate myself for the way I act and feel.I know I am crabby,I know I am short and I hate it.
I also know I need to start on my antidepressants now too,before I get into too deep a funk where it takes me time to get on top of things again.
And as the holidays get closer it gets worse.I go through the motions of it all.On tne outside I am Mr.Jolly while in the inside I am miserable.After all what is there to be merry about?I always feel we have lost the true meaning of Christmas.We all stress over what to buy for mom and dad,the kids, or who ever.Many of us are strapped money wise but we still go and buy.Put it on a charge card,then come February the bills come only to cause more stress.Grrrrrrrrr that is why I spend very little and expect very little in return.
So yes Mr.Brian has done his venting,let you all see his UGLY side and now you know. I am not always prince charming.
I will get on some meds so these angry frustrating feelings go away and I will try to be more cheerful on my next post.
Thanks for letting me vent.And do not worry I will be OK I've been here before and I will rise above it once again.
Just say a little prayer that I cheer up soon.
Love ya all,

Monday, October 1, 2007

Mixed Blessings

This may be one of those posts that my words just run all mixed together and make little sense.I hope that you will all be able to understand that I am speaking from my heart to all of you.
As I go and read the blogs lately I just get all mixed feelings.On one hand I share the joy and excitement as I read of a family that has been matched with a child.I read of the joy they are feeling.Bursting at the seems waiting for that call that tells them the date they get to hold this child they have been waiting for. I read the comments from others as they also share the joy.
Then I read a blog of the aches in a heart that a family is feeling as they learn that they were not matched again. I do not understand all of this L.I.D. business or the lists and how this all works.But I do understand the frustrations and hurt and maybe at times anger as to why it is taking so long. My thought is if this is your second time you have already been approved once just hurry up and get you matched.Simple, from start to finish 1 year max.
Can only imagine the feeling that go through your minds as well.
Can any of you explain to me why it is such a long wait?Are there so many waiting for kids that they have more parents then children to adopt?I just always thought that there are 100's if not thousands of children waiting for a loving home.Are there other options?Russia,Hatti,surely there are many many other countries that have children needing homes.I in no way mean to say that China is the wrong way to go, but what about other countries????
I am hoping that I get some interesting answers to this.
My main reason when i started this post tonight was to just send out hugs to all and let you know Mr. Brian does care and wants you I am praying for all of you and wishing many happy thoughts going your way.
Hope I did not offend any of you as that was not my intentions. Like I said just lots of wondering why?????