Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Always listen to mom.

Once again this past weekend I learned......Always listen to mom,no matter what your age.Or any women as far as that goes.
This past Saturday I spent the day at the lake and on a boat with some friends.Just lots of lounging around and laying on air mattresses in the lake.It was a small house boat so we were able to make our time there very relaxing.
After being in the sun for some time I thought HMMMMM maybe I should put on some sunscreen before I get to much sun.But being the smart typical macho man I decided I'll be ok and besides I need to get some sun.About one to two hours later I said to myself."Ya know Brian,it looks like you are getting a little red you better put some sunscreen on now."This time I did but it was to late.By the time I got home that night I was a fully ripened tomato.
As I layed in bed that night feeling the heat and the sting as any thing made contact with any thing else I hear a sweet voice saying..."Brian don't forget the sunscreen".
Yep even in your

40's I decided I should always listen to mom.


Steffie B. said...

See.....you were all flusterd about my birthday weren't you?!?!? lol As far as the panties.....it's my warped sense of humor.....

redmaryjanes said...

What panties?? What is Steffie talking about?? How'd we get to panties?? I tell you, you just never know what you'll find on Brian's blog.
I do agree though, that all boys and men should listen to their Moms. Their Mommas love them.

Beckyb said...

I agree - I got my legs fried and I was only in the boat about 30 minutes - it's not fun being so faired-skinned!!!

cougchick said...

I'm forever flirting with disaster when it comes to the sunbathing. Hope you're not too uncomfortable.

crazylady said...

If you remotely look like the pic below this post,I'll rub that lotion on personally.

crazylady said...

Just caught your profile,: you're a dialysis tech? I'm a dialysis nurse.
Is that the end of the summer romance?

insanemommy said...

Momma knows best... ALWAYS!!! Don't forget to apply to all areas too. You just never can tell what will end up coming off..ha ha..