Saturday, November 1, 2008

Big winner

This is the amount of money I won today at the local grocery store.
They give you a ticket each time you visit and have a drawing on Saturday.Each week the money does not go out they add an extra 100 to the jackpot.
Today I had the winning number,and won the $700.00.
I was shaking so bad I had to ask someone else to confirm the number was right.
Whoopa I am sooooo excited!!!!!!


JulieM said...

Congrats on the big win!

k1 said...

Well, We'll just have to call you "Mr. Lucky" from here on in.


Sue said...

Holy WOW! How cool is that. Spend wisely!!!

Lady L said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Busy Mama said...

So REAL people really do win that contest!?!?!? Lucky man - you wanna share!?!?!

Whitty's Four said...

You know Brian, God has laid it on my heart, that you should share it with your Pastor's wife!!