Monday, May 28, 2007


Yippie, yahoo, horray and all that good stuff!Today was a major turning point at work. I actualy was doing things on my own and not making machine alarms go off non stop.After last week I was feeling pretty stupid and being way to hard on myself.
I did some extra duties as well. I can not thank everyone enough for all the encouraging words and kind remarks. It has been a big help to me to hear those words.
Things went sooooo wellll today I was even able to get one of my co-workers flustered and left her speechless.Can you imagine a WOMEN SPEECHLESS??????LOLOLOLOLOL Now I am asking for it.
Anyway it is her birthday on Wednesday and we were talking about it in front of one of the patients. The patient asked what we were talking about and I said .."It's Tammi's birthday Wednesday she will be 50!!!!"Tammi turned beet red got all flustered and said I will not be that old. She almost forgot what she was doing.
I keep telling these gals that they better get used to my jokes.Cuz I love to tease.
I welcome any ideas for harmless practical jokes to play on people....
Have a great week and keep the comments flowing. It has been great getting to know a little about you folks as I read your blogs. Nice to know there are more crazy folks out there just like me.
I forgot to mention Tammy will only be 44.


Beckyb said...

You smarty - AND having fun too - I'm impressed!!!

kitchu said...

I can see why she turned beet red!

Thanks Brian for your comments on my post today, you are such a nice person. I take things as they come, and have learned to embrace fully where I am. But it's an upward spiral, grief, and we revisit things over and over, with greater perspective and strength I hope.

Thanks again.

Emmie said...

So glad things are going better at work! Hope it all continues to go good!

redmaryjanes said...

You are so funny! I'm never telling you when my birthday comes up. I'm glad that work is getting easier. I knew that it would with time. Have a great Wednesday!

Pam said...

I'm glad that you have been able to do some things on your own. It is a great feeling when you catch own to something.

Steffie B. said... could never leave me speechless! I think you should come to the Pingjiang reunion in July with the Bilby's!

Roy and Lori said...

So glad work has gotten
better for you!