Friday, October 19, 2007

Women do know!!

It is time for all you wonderful dear women to pat yourself on the back.
You do know what you are talking about.
If you think back to some time ago when I mentioned about a co-worker who was expecting and also hard to get along with.She was often moody and just grumpy.Many of you suggested that I turn on the charm,be sweet,offer to lift things for her and all that fun stuff.
I must say I did N O T want to do this and give into her negative attitude at all.I thought just ignoring it would help more.But I decided to take a word of advice from someone who knows best....... a women.
You were right.I schmooze her with asking her how she feels all the time.May I get that for you,can I do that for you OH let me get that,you should not lift that.
It has worked wonders.She accepts the offer of help and is willing to let me help her.
Guess it just goes to show.........WOMEN DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!
Did I just say that?????
OK go ahead and let me have it now gals,I can take it.
See reason #23,945 why Brian is such a cool guy,he admits women know what they are talking about.
Hope you all have a great weekend.Be sure to tell your men you know the answers.LOLOLOLOL
Hugs to all.


Nikki said...

Yes, we women-folk sure are smart!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend...and happy be-lated birthday to you, Mr. Brian!

Beckyb said...

Could you help all the women of the world and post that on a few billboards!?!?!? I love it!!

Ashley said...

I always knew you were a smart man, Mr. Brian! LOL. Love that pic too!

Dannye said...

so very glad you finally have come to terms and accepted what has been in front of you all this time...hehe

Steffie B. said...

See....I knew there was a reason I loved you so much! lol

So sorry to hear this past week was a hard one, but here's to looking at a new week! Glad to hear your meds are working....hang in there.....

redmaryjanes said...

Yes it's true, we're good for guidance on the female soul. But I'll ask you about sports and stuff like that!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I'm very glad it worked out, Mr.B! You can definitely catch more flies with honey! Especially when it comes to women! :-)

insanemommy said...

Ahhh, a man who finally came to his senses and admitted we women know what we're talking about. lol... You're a doll.

Pam said...

We women know our own kind. You should share with other men the wisdom that you have learned.