Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ten reasons to smile.

I borrowed this idea from an other blogger and loved the idea.
reasons to smile every day.So often we get caught up in our busy schedules and do not take time to enjoy life and reasons to smile, I am going to share some of my reasons to smile each day.
1. Seeing the beautiful fall colors on the trees.Some of the trees in my neighborhood are and amazingly bright golden yellow.
2.Being able to go to work and have a job.Working with pople on Dialysis and some who are very "young" makes me happy to be able to work as these people can not work.
3. Along with that good health.Can you walk,talk,talk,hear?If you said yes it is a reason to smile.
4.Friendships, I have got some wonderful friends who I love dearly.
5. Do you have a home? are you warm? I can say yes.My sister in California came very close to loosing her home to the fires,They were within a few miles of her home.She had her car packed and ready to leave at a moments notice.She thinks she is out of danger now and all is OK for her.
6.I have a great and mighty God who watches over me each and every day.
7. Watching my dogs play or just snuggle with me.
8.Children playing peek-a-boo in church.
9.I am a helper in Sunday School this year and we are practicing songs for the Christmas program.Watching some of these kids sing their hearts out,they are so into it and loving it.You gotta love it.
10.Reading some of your blog posts.When I read about some of the things kids say and so I just laugh.As Art Linklatter once said"Kids do say the darnedest things.
I hope I made you smile on one or two of these too.Remember to always take a moment to smile.It makes people wonder what you are up to.


Noemi said...

You definetly made me smile and think! Thank you so much for that! Have a nice day...

Middle-Aged Moi said...

And the eleventh reason to smile:

Mr. Brian's smile post. It sure made ME smile! :-)

redmaryjanes said...

You make me smile!
That is a wonderful idea and a wonderful list.

Steffie B. said...

Wonderful.....good post... ;)

Steffie B. said...

11th reason to smile.....

You get to dance with Steffie next year during the Tulip Festival! *wink*

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

AW! That is a great idea and a great post. I concur!

insanemommy said...

You always make me smile. You are one of the purest people I have the pleasure of saying I know. Thank you for making me smile.

Nikki said...

Great reasons to smile, Mr Brian!
I am also loving the autumn colors, and several of the things on your list made me smile.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

redmaryjanes said...

Mr. Brian,
Would you like to a judge in the Halloween Blog contest?? Your girlfriend Steffie B. is on the panel : )

k1 said...

I like your reasons to smile.

happy girl said...

you make me smile too....
tht ws just so wonderful..thnxalot..may god bless u

happy girl said...
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