Monday, December 8, 2008

It hit and hit hard

As feared my usual dread of the holidays hit today.My mood has gone from happy to leave me alone in one day.
The holidays have been hard for me for many years now.I make myself go through the motions,put on my happy face and buck up.
So if I do not post or leave many comments that is why.
Not to worry I'll be fine, I go through this every year and always make it.
Come the new year I will be back to my ornery self.


k1 said...

I am so in the same place.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Thinking of you and praying for you, Mr. B.

redmaryjanes said...

Now perk up there my favorite man in all of blogworld!
No blues during this season.

~verna said...

Hey, I hit a "lazy wall" this week. Not baa humbug but I'd just like to sleep through it all and wake up after New Year's. This too shall pass. I'm going to try to start some traditions with the little ones. Hopefully that will pull me through my gray fog into the realization that we are truly celebrating a great event--the birth of our Savior. When I think of the pain of the hustle, bustle and expectations, I will have to remind myself that at least I am not having nails piercing my hands and carrying all the sin of the world. If he could do that for me, I need to be able to push through to teach my childrne that that IS what it's all about. Take care friend. Try to pull with all your might to get out of the hole. You'll make it, you always do!